Electrical Engineer Business Card Design
in Free & Premium Business Cards , Free & Premium Electrical Engineer Business Cards , Free & Premium Graphics Template on October 31, 2019Choose Your Desired Option(s)
If you are an electrical engineer and looking for Electrical Engineer Business Card Design, then this design is a must choice for you. Vibrant design and QR code has made this business card design more uncommon and out of the box concept. This is a must use item for the people who work in electrical industry. People outside this field may also use this business card as their purposes.
- Fully Layered PSD
- Fully Customizable and Editable
- CMYK Setting
- 300 DPI High Resolution
- 3.5” x 2”(3.75” x 2.25” with bleed setting)
- Print Ready Format
- Font Used: Roboto
- Files Included
- 2 PSD file for each color
- 1 Readme text file
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