Best Actor/Actress Business Cards
in Free & Premium Actor Business Cards , Free & Premium Business Cards , Free & Premium Graphics Template on November 4, 2019Choose Your Desired Option(s)
People who work in the media industry needs to build strong network. In this context, our Best Actor/Actress Business Cards with face of the person will be the most unique business card design. By adding the photo’s and icons we have made this business card most amazing. If anyone from other industry wish to have this business card that will also be very much efficient for them and memorable to the people he connects with.
- Fully Layered PSD
- Fully Customizable and Editable
- CMYK Setting
- 300 DPI High Resolution
- 3.5” x 2”(3.75” x 2.25” with bleed setting)
- Print Ready Format
- Font Used: Sniglet
- Files Included
- 2 PSD file for each color
- 1 Readme text file
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