Corporate Style Business Card Design
in Free & Premium Black Business Cards , Free & Premium Business Cards , Free & Premium Corporate Business Card , Free & Premium Graphics Template on April 23, 2020Choose Your Desired Option(s)
If you are a corporate employer/businessman than this Corporate Style Business Card Design will be the best for you. This business card design has a barcode with it. You can add anything in the barcode as you like. Simple looking design and focused name section have made this business card more lucrative and eye-catchy to the person. The design format is very easy to edit. It helps you to get focused on the people you meet. People from any profession can use this business card design because it does not have specialty on a design perspective. Print-ready version and multiple color variation has made this business card acceptable to most of the people.
- Fully Layered PSD
- Fully Customizable and Editable
- CMYK Setting
- 300 DPI High Resolution
- 3.5” x 2”(3.75” x 2.25” with bleed setting)
- Print Ready Format
- Font Used: Gilroy
- Files Included
- 2 PSD file for each color
- 1 Readme text file
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