Business cards are important tools for your business image. A creative business card design can easily translate your business credentials. Classic business cards have been doing business communication since the inception of the industrialized business community. But now many types of businesses have cropped up. There are even auxiliary businesses that account for a whole household’s income. The real estate is one type of service that has a large consumer base and also an inherent need to communicate.
The Real estate needs networking at a very personal and at the same time a professional level. An asset with such a huge weight needs trusted people to properly conduct deals with. These trusted people can easily communicate their skills with a graphic business card design. The credentials of the person and also the organization she/he is with. So the real estate professionals need a business card design that gives the maximum networking cred.
We bring you 5 great designs for real estate business cards.
Luxury Real Estate Business Card
Luxury Real Estate Business Card design is a very lavish option for the elegant real estate professional. This follows a vertical business card design. It has great color combination and a crisp finish that is aesthetically soothing. Just like a great apartment, the business card also has a classy look. There are also background images that give out the impression of the building excellence associated with the business. The landscape of the card is a vertical one and so it brings a new experience.
Real Estate Business Card Template
The Real Estate Business Card Template is a basic and down-to-earth business card design. It is designed for businesses and professionals with a classic outlook towards businesses. The card has a simple yet solid design. The classic business card design of the horizontal card is followed. The Icons related to real estate business are used in minimalist fashion. The center is dedicated to the professional’s information. The classic business card template gives an easy going yet smooth experience for networking.
Developer Company Business Card Template
Developer Company Business Card Template covers the very basics of real estate business networking and more. There are engineering and architecture themed backgrounds. There are also places to show the professional’s face. The imagery and icons blend together to have a pleasant experience. The information details are clearly stated and there is space to add more options. The creative business card design puts proper emphasis on the necessities and helps you create a good impression.
Developer Company Business Card
Developer Company Business Card is a very sleek design to follow. A real estate company has to display their attention to design and detail. This should reflect in the business card’s design. The designs should be assembled properly and have immaculate design shapes. The Developer Company Business Card has great shapes and good icons that you can use to show your credentials with. And also you can get good layout of information on the card. The background is dominated by the two colors and shows everything in between greatly.
Creative Architect Business Card
The Creative Architect Business Card is a very good option for the smart architect. Real Estate is very closely tied to architecture, without architecture there would be no estate to trade. So architects are in demand for real estate related work. So networking in the real estate community is a must for any civil engineer. Creative Architect Business Card has a very modest but attractive outlook. The blend of colors in the background and the body gives a very dignified look. The alignment of the information is also symmetrical so the viewing experience is good. You can list all your credentials and experience in the space.
for an elegant real estate professional this product is not only perfect but also price worthy. lavish design, excellent colour combination, thematical work and creative mindset make the product different from others. so I highly recommend purchasing the product from techmix.