Fashion Photographer Business Card
in Free & Premium Business Cards , Free & Premium Graphics Template , Free & Premium Photographer Business Cards on January 4, 2020Choose Your Desired Option(s)
Fashion photography is the most trendy photography concept nowadays. People who do this need Fashion Photographer Business Card for their personal branding and networking. In most of the cash fashion photographers works on freelance basis. As a result to make a connection with the clients and brand photographer business card is a mandatory item for them for day to day life. This will increase the connectivity of a photographer as well as helps to make him as a brand.
- Fully Layered PSD
- Fully Customizable and Editable
- CMYK Setting
- 300 DPI High Resolution
- 3.5” x 2”(3.75” x 2.25” with bleed setting)
- Print Ready Format
- Font Used: Lato, Lush Script, Lust Script
- Files Included
- 2 PSD file for each color
- 1 Readme text file
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