Web Developer Business Card
in Free & Premium Black Business Cards , Free & Premium Business Cards , Free & Premium Graphics Template on June 29, 2019Choose Your Desired Option(s)
Are you a website developer? Then this Web Developer Business Card is designed for you. People those who works in web development sector or owns IT business is the main user of this card. This will surely make a stunning impact on your customer and the buyers.
4 design palate will help you to choose the best one suitable for you.
- Fully Layered PSD
- Fully Customizable and Editable
- CMYK Setting
- 300 DPI High Resolution
- 3.5” x 2”(3.75” x 2.25” with bleed setting)
- Print Ready Format
- Font Used: Open Sans
- Files Included
- 2 PSD file for each colors
- 1 Readme text file
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