Business networking has had a long standing history. Ever since barter-trading days of the first human civilizations, networking has been a part of our operations. If people don’t really know you then, how will you do business? This question brought on networking as an essential part of our business relationships. One very important tool through which this is accomplished has been the introduction of the business card or the visiting card for some.
Once we are part of the earning community or the labor force, we usually print our business cards. It has been the norm for centuries and still is relevant to this day. But some might argue that is this day and age of digital networking options and LinkedIn of all things, Is the business card still relevant? The short answer is Yes. Let’s break down the reasons why the business cards are so important.
Helps to Share Contact Information
This is the primary activity that a normal business card does. A creative business card design signifies the contact details and the means of knowing who the person is regards to a business set up. You might think that sharing social media contact links might accomplish the goal. But a physical object is always more accessible than a digital one. Some people are not that tech savvy either.
Setting up Meetings
Sharing a simple business is all about meeting up, talking and setting deals. The business card has been a meeting setter for quite a while now. Most people find it appropriate to exchange business cards to set up a meeting. The information scripted on the card sets parties up to be in contact at all times. And as said before, it is still the norm for setting up meetings.
Great Tools for get Focus to People
A colorful business card design has changed over the years of business cards. Creative business card designs have popped up and incorporated lots of symbols and color schemes. Art can symbolize what the mind thinks. The graphical designs can display your business ideas through symbols, images, text and the structures. Your individual ideas and ethics can also be shown to the world through the business cards. This creates a very good impression.
Cultural Appropriation
We are a part of culture. Actually we live in multiple cultures within a culture. Corporate and the social norms within a society has some protocols. Exchanging business cards is one of those holy amendments of sorts. Throughout the world in many cultures and societies it is a must to exchange business cards. In some cultures if you don’t exchange cards people assume you don’t really want to have contact anymore.
Branding Vehicle
Brand presence is a very important part of an organization’s existence. The brand means the voice of the product or service you are giving. Corporate business cards exploit the technologies and give others a physical portion of the brand identity to relevant contacts. This means the transportation of the brand values.
Marketing Tool
Marketing is an essential part of a business. A business cannot really hope to function without marketing. An uncommon business card is a powerful marketing tool. The more creative and unique the cards are more trust the holder will have on the brand. So this is definitely a plus when gaining customers, suppliers and other parties to invest money, time and attention to yourself and the organization.
A Great medium of Networking
Last but not the least, Business cards have been a source of networking tool for quite a long time and continues to be so to this day. A physical representation of networking can stay in the pockets and the peripheral memory of your target persons. They can remember and contact you with ease with a simple business card rather than any other medium. More the card distribution, more widespread your personal and professional network is.
So the use of business card hasn’t been stifled but actually has spread because of advanced design and creative ideas increasing. This preference for the business card will only increase in time. So you should take advantage of the conventions and make sure you have a business card. This will enhance not only your business but also your personal credibility as well.